I think I had an epiphany today.
I am a symbol of the failing/failed hard disk. I used to work so well. With enough power, I can be plugged and play. I am able to save, copy, and deliver data. But one day, I just started failing - I’m slowing down, I can’t be read properly, I’m having trouble coping up with the amount of data that was taken away from me. So I start to falter. I tried retrieving the data back, I tried to troubleshoot my problems when I’m just really procrastinating and pushing the real issues under the hood. I have turned myself into this faulty hard disk which used to be so useful and now have become useless.
I'm still pretending that I'm robust and sturdy hard disk. I have become weak and slow. I still try to work but I’m now just a shell of myself.
I blamed my lack of energy and power to overworking (full of data) and then when I’ve started deleting the data (work), it backfired. I’ve taken too many rounds of emptying unto the trash bin that I’ve started to falter. Useless junk has started piling over the emptiness that gathered inside me. I’ve become obsolete. I’ve started pulling and pushing - in and out - trying to recover the great data that I once had but only to be filled with air that has now burst.
No wonder I haven’t gotten the one thing I’ve wanted for the past year.
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